Awareness of the DAA AdChoices icon increases
New research findings show consumer concern over online tracking for targeted ads has fallen from 65% to 61% over the last year, and awareness of the DAA AdChoices icon has risen to 42% – five points higher than last year (37%).
These latest stats show the sustained growth and success of the DAA program but also what’s at stake for the digital publishing industry, as 28% report they had used adblocking software in the month prior to the survey.
Positive feelings about targeted ads
As consumers become more aware of how they can control the types of ads they see, they are more likely to feel positive about online behavioral advertising (OBA). Almost 2 in 5 (39%) said the information available through the AdChoices Icon, along with the option of opting out of OBA, would make them feel more positive about the concept of targeted ads.
These findings are based on data from an online survey conducted by Ipsos, commissioned by TrustArc, with 1,000 adults aged 18-75 in the US from December 17-22, 2015. Tracking data is available for the previous four years.
Those who worry about online privacy limit their actions online
According to the survey, the business impact of consumers’ privacy concerns remains high, with 89 percent avoiding doing business with companies they don’t believe protect their privacy and 74 percent of those who worry about their privacy online limiting their online activity in the last 12 months due to their concerns.
Of those worried about their privacy online, 51% did not click on an online ad in the last 12 months – the most common action taken due to privacy concerns.
The DAA program covers online, mobile, and video ads. It was developed in conjunction with the advertising industry to provide users with more control over their online ad experience and the option to opt out of personal targeting without blocking ads altogether.
Provide your audience transparency and control over ad preferences
TrustArc is one of only two tech providers for the DAA AdChoices program. TrustArc’s Ad Compliance Manager enables brands, publishers, and ad tech platforms to provide users with transparency and control for digital advertising that comply with the DAA/EDAA/DAAC self-regulatory programs.
Ads Compliance Manager